「勞工職業災害保險及保護法」(簡稱災保法)111年5月1日上路後,失能年金的給付基準是按被保險人的失能程度,依其診斷永久失能日的當月起前6個月平均月投保薪資的70%(完全失能)或50%(嚴重失能)或20%(部分失能)發給,與勞工保險條例領取20個月職災失能補償一次金及按保險年資x最高60個月平均月投保薪資x1.55%不同。… 更多 另外,災保法規定,不論請領何種失能年金,如有符合加發條件的眷屬(配偶或子女),每一人可加發失能年金金額10%的眷屬補助,最多可加發20%。 請領資格及給付基準相關資訊:https://www.bli.gov.tw/0105976.html Following the implementation of the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") on May 1, 2022, the permanent disability pension will be calculated based on the severity level of disability of the insured. The benefit will be paid based on the average monthly insurance salary during the six months prior to the month during which the insured is diagnosed as… 更多