國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum2013年12月5日 · 十全乾隆-【宋 馬遠 華燈侍宴圖 軸(局部)】(陳列室:210)
Special Exhibit:【Banquet by Lantern Light (part)】(Gallery: 210)
Ma Yuan (fl. ca. 1189-1225), Song dynasty
Hanging scroll, ink on silk, 125.6 x 46.7 cm… 更多
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
Ma Yuan was a court painter during the reigns of the Southern… 更多 Song emperors Guangzong and Ningzong. At the top of this work is a mounting sheet with an inscription that mentions an anonymous work of the same title in the court collection bearing an identical poetic inscription and composition. Based on the line of verse by Empress Yang (1162-1232) about a “Father and son together having the honor of a banquet,” the Qianlong emperor assumed that perhaps “Two versions of the painting were presented to the father and son of the banquet,” so he had both ascribed to the Song dynasty. In 1796, Qianlong ordered the two scrolls to be “Placed in the same box and stored at the Palace of Heavenly Purity so that these two ‘beauties’ would always be together.” It shows a strong desire on the part of Qianlong to bring treasures back together.