勞保老年給付經勞保局核付後,就不可以再變更,勞保局提醒勞工朋友,申請老年給付前,請先利用勞保局提供的試算服務,試算可以申請的給付項目及金額,配合自己的退休規劃,審慎考慮選擇一次領或按月領後再提出申請,以保障退休後的經濟安全。 更多資訊: https://www.bli.gov.tw/0105636.html #勞保 #老年給付 Calculate Labor Insurance old-age benefits… 更多 before application to protect your own rights.
Labor Insurance old-age benefits cannot be changed after they are paid by the Bureau of Labor Insurance (BLI). In the interest of financial security after retirement, BLI encourages workers to take advantage of the BLI calculator service and find out the benefits and amounts for which they are eligible and then consider their options carefully before filing an application.
For more information: https://www.bli.gov.tw/en/0015906.html