【bling bling好好獎】#2015金點概念設計獎 決選名單出爐! 今年主辦單位共收到全球15國,共2384件作品參賽,其中45件進入決選,晉級率僅1.88%,競爭相當激烈。接下來將於10月初進行決審,最後在12月與「金點設計獎」合併舉辦頒獎典禮,到底100萬的高額獎金會落在誰家?敬請持續關注 金點概念設計獎 Golden Pin Concept Design Award!
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【最新消息 News #Finalist 】 2015年「金點概念設計獎」已於7月底截止報名,今年主辦單位共收到來自台灣、中國大陸、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、澳門、寮國、越南、印度、印尼、韓國、美國、英國、波蘭、保加利亞、義大利、俄羅斯等15國共2384件作品參賽,<br> 2,384 entries were submitted by 17 areas and countries at the close of the… 更多 call for entries in late July 2015. The strongest representation came from, perhaps unsurprisingly, countries with significant huaren (Chinese-speaking) populations: China and Taiwan, followed by Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, and Singapore. Other countries that submitted entries this year include, regionally: India, Indonesia, Laos, South Korea, and Vietnam; and internationally: Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Russia, the UK, and the USA.… 更多