Main Site of National Museum of Prehistory will suspend... 95060 臺東縣臺東市豐田里博物館路一號
島嶼的誕生 影片請看IGTV
Please watch IGTV
https://www.instagram.com/tv/CX0KcDhBGvy/… 更多 今日台灣所處地區,在1600萬年前是一片湛藍寧靜的海洋,但是位於南方數百公里外海面下的古南中國海殼正不斷的朝東隱沒到菲律賓海板塊之下。在菲律賓海板塊不斷向西推擠的過程中,引發岩漿爆發,在菲律賓海板塊上形成火山島弧,這一連串的地質作用為臺灣島的誕生揭開了序幕。邀請您一同來見證島嶼的誕生。 [Online Exhibition]-December
The Birth of Island
Where Taiwan is located today, was a vast blue and calm sea 16 million years ago. Several hundred kilometers to the south, the ancient South China Sea oceanic crust was moving eastward, concealed under the Philippine sea plate. As the Philippine Sea Plate pushed westward, triggering the eruption of magama. Along the Philippine Sea plate, there was island arc formation. This chains of geological events creat the prelude of the birth of the Taiwan.You are invited to witness the birth of this island. 官網:https://www.nmp.gov.tw/nmpexhibitionlist_372.html
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