美韓海軍完成鷂鷹軍演 ◎譯者/司馬策
The U.S. and Republic of Korea (ROK) navies enhanced their combined and joint maritime capabilities after completing a series of drills and exercises ashore and at sea from March 8-31 in… 更多 support of exercise Foal Eagle 2014. Exercise Foal Eagle in an umbrella of regularly scheduled, annual exercises that are the culmination of many months of planning and based on realistic training scenarios.
美國與南韓的海軍於3月8日至31日共同完成了鷂鷹二○一四軍演,於海上與海岸舉行的這一系列演習,增強了兩國海軍的海上聯合作戰能力。每年定期舉行的鷂鷹演習是基於現實訓練需求所規畫,也是好幾個月以來的軍演高潮。 電腦版:http://goo.gl/7B6OeQ