我請求給我們最後的尊重,請把國旗還給台灣。 這裡是倫敦市中心皮卡地里圓環,原來掛在上面的國旗已被摘下,
即便連奧林匹克運動會主辦國都沒辦法承認我們,但我們永遠不能忘記心中的國旗。… 更多 請盡量的轉載,讓全世界知道我們正在消失。
Engish version:
I am from Taiwan. Taiwan is my country. We have our own government, unique custom, unique lifestyle, unique language script, unique culture. This is Piccadilly Circus of London civic centre. The Taiwan(R.O.C) flag was removed due to the politic conflict between China and Taiwan.
Even the Olympic Game Host cannot recognize it, but we won't forget the flag. We are disappearing.
Please share the picture to let the world know we are disappearing by the power of politic cause. We are from Taiwan. Taiwan is our country