Main Site of National Museum of Prehistory will suspend... 95060 臺東縣臺東市豐田里博物館路一號
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https://www.instagram.com/p/CWriNsrAQ3l/ [線上展覽]-11月
臺灣西南古代製陶者… 更多
臺灣各地繩紋陶文化遺址呈現一些共同的風格而可能具有同一祖源。距今5000年前之後開始顯現出地區性的差異,並成為各地後續發展的基底。考古學家在臺灣西南地區的南關里東遺址發現了帶有澎湖島原料的陶器,說明了當時人群已有渡海的能力。 [Online Exhibition]-November
Ancient pottery maker in southwest Taiwan
The Corded Ware Culture sites across Taiwan present some common styles and may have the same ancestral origin. After 5,000 years ago, regional differences began to appear and became the basis for subsequent development in various regions. Archaeologists discovered pottery with materials from Penghu Island at the Nanguanlidong site in southwestern Taiwan, indicating that the people had the ability to cross the sea at that time. 官網:https://www.nmp.gov.tw/nmpexhibitionlist_372.html
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