僱用外籍配偶或大陸地區配偶,也就是僱用新住民,只要有獲准同意居留的證明,不用國民身分證,也不用另外申請工作許可,就可以合法在台灣工作。 📣新住民的就業權益,均與我國國民相同。想了解更多訊息,請洽各地公立就業服務機構、台灣就業通網站「新住民專區」或電洽免付費專線查詢!! 👉各地就業服務據點:https://reurl.cc/kZpmnL
👉台灣就業通-新住民專區:… 更多https://reurl.cc/KAM6A9
👉內政部新住民培力發展資訊網:https://ifi.immigration.gov.tw 【What bosses need to know】
When hiring new immigrants -- foreign spouses or spouses from mainland China -- as long as they have a certificate of permission to remain in Taiwan they do not need a National ID card or have to apply for a separate work permit to legally work in Taiwan. The employment rights of new immigrants are the same as those of Taiwan nationals. For more information please contact a local public employment service agency, go to the "New Immigrants Section" of the Taiwanjob website, or call to make inquiries free of charge.
Call who?? 👉Service Centers:https://reurl.cc/kZpmnL
👉TaiwanJobs- New immigrants Area:https://reurl.cc/KAM6A9
👉Call center with free service:0800-777-888
👉IFI network:https://ifi.immigration.gov.tw