🎊後天(3/13)就是我國 #能力建構中心(CBC)成立3週年的日子🎂 108年我國與國際技能組織(WorldSkills International,#WSI)攜手成立全球第2座能力建構中心,積極致力於國際間技職教育訓練及技能發展的推廣與交流🤝,面對疫情衝擊也從不間斷💪 一起來看這3年的努力與成果! 了解更多👉🏻https://wsc.wda.gov.tw/ 🎉Happy 3rd Anniversary to… 更多 Capacity Building Centre (#CBC) 🎂 In 2019, WorldSkills International (#WSI) and Taiwan established WorldSkills Capacity Building Centre. CBC has been devoting to promoting TEVT and improving skills development with WSI's member countries. Even the pandemic can’t discourage our efforts to improve our world with the power of skills. Click the pics below to see our achievements!
Learn more👉🏻 https://wsc.wda.gov.tw/