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█ #g0vSummit2020 Partners 合作夥伴都在做什麼? @Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit FNF 的打擊假資訊研究 █ 假資訊不只出現在 Twitter 及 Facebook… 更多 上,也漸漸有更多透過訊息被散播出去。由於前者造成我們傾向相信我們所接收到的訊息,反而讓後者成為一個傳播假資訊的最佳管道。為什麼會這樣?心理學如何在其中發揮作用?事實查核是打擊假資訊的萬靈丹嗎?立法者還可以做些什麼? Ann Cathrin Riedel,FNF 諾曼基金會的全球創新與數位化專家,針對以上提問撰寫了一篇研究文章,馬上來看看 👉 https://bit.ly/closedcurtains Disinformation is not only spread via Twitter and Facebook, but increasingly also via messengers. It turns out that we tend to believe information that we receive via messenger more. This makes it the perfect vessel to spread disinformation. Why ? How does psychology play into this? Is fact checking the silver bullet against disinformation? What can lawmakers do? Ann Cathrin Riedel , Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for Freedom’s expert on topics of Global Innovation and Digitalization, wrote a paper exploring these questions. Learn more at 👉 https://bit.ly/closedcurtains --
by FNF, partner of g0v Summit 2020.
reviewed by ichieh, pm5, yutin, ky, Peace in accordance to g0v SNS g0vernance