【DeSiGn】✨想要讓自己的作品被看見嗎?來新人獎的舞台吧!<br> 「2015時裝設計新人獎」競賽,報名時間將於6月22日截止,請把握報名時間。<br> 相關競賽辦法可參考官網:http://www.tfdaaward.com/<br> 廣邀國際設計新銳共同參與,附加檔案為中英文競賽簡章及文宣,煩請協助推廣。<br> Taiwan Fashion Design Award is one of the biggest fashion… 更多 contest in Asia, and it is open to every talented student in the world. <br> Please help us to kindly remind students that the registration is underway and will end on the 22th June. <br> The general rules and registration form as attached, the following is TFDA online registration website: http://www.tfdaaward.com/en/home/register