國家圖書館 National Central Library, 台北市。 24,124 個讚 · 324 人正在談論這個 · 51,585 個打卡次。 ●臉書使用注意事項●
"Gendering Transformations: Feminist Knowledge Production and Trans/national Activist Engagement"「性別化的變遷:女性主義知識生產與跨國行動參與」
10/31 (Sunday) Keynote Speech (3) 專題演講 (3)
Topic: Sustainable Libraries leaving no… 更多 one behind
Time:15:00–15:30 Taipei/08:00–08:30 Barcelona/08:00–08:30 Copenhagen
Moderator: Shu-hsien Tseng, National Central Library
Speaker: Ms. Glòria Pérez-Salmerón, Diputació de Barcelona, Stichting IFLA Global Libraries Foundation Chair
※ More information about the agenda, please see here: http://gender.ncl.edu.tw/en/program/agenda-with-links