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█ #在地好伙伴 🙌 為什麼 @拍謝少年 Sorry Youth 會支持 #g0vSummit2020? █ 自由開放的社會才能帶來真正的創作自由!Only open society can bring true artistic freedom! 來聽議程 👉 https://g0v-summit-2020.kktix.cc/events/c0nf
來吃辦桌 👉 … 更多https://g0v-summit-2020.kktix.cc/events/eat-table Thank you Sorry Youth for supporting g0v Summit 2020! ▌關於拍謝少年 About Sorry Youth 一尾台灣土產搖滾樂隊。 吉他維尼、貝斯薑薑,鼓手宗翰,05 年春天吶喊後開始寫歌,初期創作以樂器演奏為主,現在心繫台語搖滾,目標寫出阿公阿嫲點頭稱讚的台語金曲,以井上雄彥為精神導師,熱炒攤為後援補給,拎著啤酒樂器穿梭於南北縱貫現場,音樂靈魂來自現場表演氣味。 Sorry Youth is a Taiwanese indie band formed by Weni (vocals, guitar), Giang Giang (vocals, bass) and Chung-Han (vocals, drums). Their style is a mix of instrumental-rock, noise-pop and emo, while blending in Taiwanese language into the melody and rhythm to showcase unique Taiwanese cultures. Sorry Youth is one of the best rock bands in Taiwan. After a 5-year long hiatus, they have incorporated into their second album Brothers Shouldn’t Live Without Dreams new elements like brass and Beiguan music. Singing in Taiwanese dialect, Sorry Youth represents the true spirit of Taiwan’s style. https://sorryyouth.com/
  • Gabaldon Lisa