國防大學臉書專頁 「國防大學臉書專頁」為一般性意見交流的溝通管道,我們歡迎大家對本校招生及相關業務提出建議。 334 桃園市桃園區桃園市八德區興豐路1000號
國防大學今(30)日舉辦率真校區及勤務連10月份慶生會🎉,由政戰主任武少將主持,武主任代表校長頒贈生日禮品🎁,向全體壽星獻上最真摯的祝福,也不忘提醒同仁「生日同時是母難日」,要感謝母親的辛苦,才有今天的我們💝 The National Defense University today (30) held a birthday party of October, hosted by Major General Wu,… 更多 Director of Political Warfare, in Shuai Zhen campus and the Service Company. Director Wu presented birthday gifts on behalf of the President, expressing the most sincere blessings to all the birthday members. Director Wu also reminded the colleagues that “ A birthday is also a painful day of a mother, thanks to every mother’s hardship , we can be who we are tody.’’ #國防大學 #10月份慶生會 #生日快樂