外國專業人員成年子女工作許可,線上申請真EASY 為吸引外國專業人員來臺工作,目前已開放外國專業人員的成年子女可以依「外國專業人才延攬及僱用法」規定申請個人的工作許可。為提供多元及便捷的申辦管道,勞動部自111年1月起已提供網路線上申辦功能,外國專業人員的成年子女可以透過「外國專業人員工作許可申辦網」(網址:https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw… 更多)全年無休24小時的線上送件、繳費、通知及查詢等服務,免出門即可申辦工作許可。 Online Application for Foreign Professional’s Adult Children.
With an aim to attract foreign professionals to work in Taiwan, those adult children of theirs can apply for work permits themselves according to the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals. In order to make it more convenient, the Ministry of Labor has started online application from January 2022. The foreign professional’s adult children can now file the work permit application at home, via the online platform (https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw) where you can also pay the application fee, receive notification and check status 24-7.