製作吸睛求職履歷~快來青年職涯發展中心 拼命投履歷,企業卻一直忽略你?
履歷自傳像廣告,自我行銷、突顯優勢📈很重要 想要企業買單🛒,撰寫吸晴💯履歷4招不能忘
第三招,工作專長陳述,不可少!… 更多
第四招,展現應徵積極性,別忘了! 青年冰友阿,想了解求職履歷製作小技巧,快來青年職涯發展中心走一遭。
Create an Eye-Catching Resume – Hurry over to Our Youth Salons
You’re sending out tons of resumes but no enterprises respond?
It’s not that you are not qualified for the job. It is because you accidently stepped on resume landmines.
Resumes are like advertisements. Promoting yourselves and highlighting your strengths are crucial.
To make sure your resume catches the eye of recruiters, the following are four key elements when it comes to writing a resume:
1. Introduce yourself briefly.
2. Include the experience you gained from schools and school clubs.
3. Detail the right skills for the job.
4. Demonstrate your passion for the job.
Young friends, to better understand the tips for writing a good resume, go to the Youth Salon near you. For more helpful resources, look here👉https://reurl.cc/WEG7nD