國家圖書館 National Central Library, 台北市。 24,124 個讚 · 324 人正在談論這個 · 51,585 個打卡次。 ●臉書使用注意事項● 貼文回應和訪客留將內容若出現以下情形之一者,逕予以刪除。 (1)挑釁、謾罵、非理性之言論 (2)轉載未經查證之報導...
Save the Date - Invitation to attend our online “2021 International Workshop for Professional Librarians” Our National Central Library is very pleased to invite you to attend our 2021 International Workshop. In… 更多 2021, the 7th online Workshop “Successful Library Cases in the World,” will be opened to all professional librarians around the globe. The themes of this year’s online workshop include:
1. Development of Librarianship in 2021;
2. Cases Sharing from NCL’s TRCCS Partners;
3. Dialogue between Libraries and Digital Humanities. This year the NCL has invited 9 experts or scholars in Library and Information Science field around the world to share their successful experiences, wishing to… 更多
  • Laoang MunicipalLibrary
    Morng ma'am/sir, this is only for license librarians? How about the non-professionals?Thank you.