An Online Journey with NPM for Family and Kids
[線上英語親子導覽直播活動][Time for Taiwan線上台灣館線上旅展特別活動] Do you miss the time when you can travel around the world and see the most wonderful things of human civilization in a… 更多 museum? The pandemic restricts us from contacting the real world, but thanks to the modern technology we can explore freely online. The NPM will host a live broadcasting here next Wednesday for parents and kids, introducing the most beloved items of NPM in English. You may have a glance of the treasures from our collection and prepare for a visit in the future. The hostess of the event is the museum’s volunteer docent Amy Lin. You are welcomed to sit at home with your children to enjoy an amazing journey with us. Live Broadcasting detail as follows: Site: NPM’s facebook
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Time & Date: 3:00 pm 15th December, 2021 Time for Taiwan virtual exhibition 線上台灣館: #NationalPalaceMuseum