98年1月1日勞保年金施行前有保險年資的勞保被保險人,如符合下圖所規定的條件之一,可以選擇一次請領老年給付! 🔹詳細說明:https://www.bli.gov.tw/0102679.html #勞保 If an insured person has insurance coverage before the amendment of the Labor Insurance Act made on January… 更多 1, 2009, and meets one of the following requirements, he/she will be eligible for one-time old-age benefits.
A. A male insured person at least 60 years of age or a female insured person at least 55 years of age who has been insured for at least 1 year and resigns.
B. An insured person whose insurance coverage reached over 15 years, who is at least 55 years of age and resigns.
C. An insured person who has been insured in the same insured unit for over 25 years and resigns.
D. An insured… 更多