製造業雇主定期查核結果 ⭐️⭐️⭐️合格率達9成7⭐️⭐️⭐️ Q:勞動部為何每3個月要定期查核製造業雇主聘僱移工人數及比率呢❓
A:這是為了保障本國勞工工作權益及避免雇主超額聘僱移工。 Q:🔎查核成效如何呢❓
A:110年8月份共查核39,072家雇主,符合規定比率達97%,對於經通知改善仍未符合規定之雇主,勞動部將廢止超額聘僱移工的招募許可與聘僱許可,各地公立就業服務機構後續也會協助應限期改善的雇主招募本國勞工。… 更多 #保障本國勞工權益 97% Passed the Regular Inspection. To protect the rights of domestic workers and prevent employers from over-hiring migrant workers, once every three months the Ministry of Labor would audit the numbers and percentage of the migrant workers hired by the employers in manufacturing. This August, 39,072 employers were inspected. 97% of the employers conform to the regulations. For employers who have not ameliorated as requested previously, the Ministry of Labor will revoke their recruit permit and employment permit while the public employment services institutions will continue to assist them in recruiting local employee.