【g0v Summit 2020 議程審理完畢!CfP review ends!】 感謝大家的踴躍投稿,#g0vSummit2020 的議程終於審理完畢! 📪 通知信已寄出,請各位投稿者留意 email 信箱~
📆 記得在 9/14(一)前回信確認! 恭喜錄取的投稿者們,期待聽到你們的分享!沒有排上議程的投稿者們,我們也有準備其他管道! 今年的 Summit 將在週日(12/6)有半天的 unconference… 更多 及大會最後的高潮:閃電講,現場會眾都可以自由報名參與。只要你有想法要分享,沒有人的講台就是你的講台! 💪 🎫 等不及參加的會眾們,完整議程及票務資訊即將上線,敬請鎖定 g0v Summit 2020 網站 🥰
https://summit.g0v.tw/ #2020Summit要贏
#Taiwan #Tainan #streetfood #吃起來 –
Thanks for the submissions of all proposers, the #g0vSummit2020 Call for Proposals review finally ends! 📪 Please check your email inbox for notification letter!
📆 Remember to reply to the email to confirm before 9/14! Whether your proposal is accepted or not, we will have unconference and lightning talk events on site. So if you have any thoughts, you've always got the chance to share! 🎫 For those who can't wait for Summit to come: Complete program and ticket information coming soon, stay tuned! 👀
https://summit.g0v.tw –
text by hkazami, g0v Summit 2020 議程組 Programming Task Force
photo by chihao, g0v Summit 2020 總籌組 General Preparatory Task Force