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國外連航行在海上都要小心避免撞到鯨魚! 官網的小動畫好生動,大家快去看!
分享 Marine Education & Research Society 在 See A Blow? Go Slow! 相簿中新增了 1 張相片。
It has happened again. A young Humpback who has been repeatedly sighted near Spanish Banks / Point Grey since early April, has been hit by a boat. This happened somewhere between April 3rd and 11th. Not only… 更多 does this whale now bear the deep gash from a boat propeller, these photos reveal that this whale has also been entangled in its young life. We share these photos, provided by Vanessa Prigollini, out of the dire need that there is greater awareness that: 1) There has been a very significant increase of large whales off the coast of British Columbia. Boaters must now be alert at all times that a whale could suddenly surface. This apples to all boaters - from large vessel traffic to… 更多