國家圖書館 National Central Library, 台北市。 24,124 個讚 · 324 人正在談論這個 · 51,585 個打卡次。 ●臉書使用注意事項●
國家圖書館漢學中心為協助在臺外籍學人,透過本館研究人員、國內專家諮詢與輔導,獲得學術資源與研究之引,特辦理「外籍學人圖書館資源利用課程」。 本次課程特邀行政院主計總處高志祥專門委員以英文講授「政府統計資料簡介」(Taiwan's Government Statistics and Where to Find Them)。 課程將於 Google meet 以線上方式進行,… 更多
課程語言: 英語 參與對象:研究所博士班以上外籍學者(生)
(請提供正確Email,會議前一日會發送 Google meet會議連結)
課程聯絡人:國家圖書館漢學中心 方小姐:twjob@ncl.edu.tw
聯絡電話 02-23619132 ext. 318 For the convenience and to better acquaint foreign scholars with research materials in Taiwan, Center for Chinese Studies/ National Central Library, Taiwan(R.O.C) organized a series of Foreign Scholars Workshop Curriculum guiding through the research… 更多
2021 Foreign Scholars Workshop Curriculum
For your convenience and to better acquaint you with research materials in Taiwan, we organized a series of Foreign Scholars Workshop Curriculum to guide you through the research equipment and facility of our National Central Library, On June 23rd we are holding the online course for you. Please fil...