提升就業技能 勞動部開設職訓課程<br> 提升專業技能就趁現在!<br> 勞動力發展署2021年失業者職訓課程出爐,<br> 符合相關資格者,上課通·通·免·費!!<br> 全國11個訓練場預計開辦超過300班~<br> 相關課程可上職前訓練網查詢:https://its.taiwanjobs.gov.tw/<br> 也可直接洽詢24小時免付費客服專線:0800-777-888 Improve your professional skills now!<br> The… 更多 Workforce Development Agency announces vocational training courses for people who are unemployed for the year of 2021. Those who are qualified may attend training courses for free!<br> A total of 300 training courses are to be organized by 11 training centers across Taiwan.<br> Visit the pre-service training website (https://its.taiwanjobs.gov.tw/) or <br> contact us via our 24-hour toll-free hotline (0800-777-888).