帳戶自動扣繳就業安定費 輕鬆繳費免奔波
雇主聘僱移工依規定應繳納就業安定費,為避免雇主因工作繁忙等因素逾期繳納就業安定費致遭加徵滯納金,勞動部建議雇主多採申請約定金融機構帳戶自動扣繳就業安定費,如此就可以輕鬆完成繳費,即使再忙也不怕遺忘。 Automatic account deduction of employment security fees,Easily pay fees and avoid running… 更多 around Where employing a foreign worker(s), the employer shall pay employment security fees in accordance with regulations. In order to avoid employers’ overdue payment of employment security fees due to busy work and other factors, the Ministry of Labor recommends employers apply for the automatic deduction of employment security fees from accounts with agreed financial institutions. In this way, you can easily complete the payment, so even if you are busy, you are not afraid of forgetting.