#拜登矢言修復聯盟重啟連結軟硬兼施美國領導 剛剛以信即時觀看拜登總統就職演說,感覺非常振奮人心!他強調美國民主價值,希望團結選後人心,演說主題圍繞在疫情控制與國內議題。關於國際政治議題只有這一小段: “Look folks, all my colleagues I serve with in the House and the Senate up… 更多 here, we all understand the world is watching. Watching all of us today. So here's my message to those beyond our borders. America has been tested and we've come out stronger for it. We will repair our alliances, and engage with the world once again. Not to meet yesterday's challenges but today's and tomorrow's challenges. And we'll lead not merely by the example of our power but the power of our example.” 拜登指出「美國曾被挑戰但變得更堅強」,展現克服外界挑戰美國地位的決心,「我們將會修復聯盟並重新與世界連結」,強調將以多邊途徑並重返國際社會因應今後挑戰。他強調「我們不僅以權力典範(example of power)而領導,更因典範權力(power of example)而領導」,這是今天的金句,他可能想強調美國將會硬實力與軟實力並重,一邊維持美國霸權,一邊強化美國價值。 值得注意的是,拜登並未特別提到中國,或其他重要友邦,當然更沒提到台灣。他顯然要把演說焦點放在美國,不願提及他國而讓主題失焦。不過他的上段談話已是言簡意賅、微言大義,足以看出「修復聯盟重啟連結」,「軟硬兼施美國領導」,將會是未來四年拜登政府的核心策略。 好樣的!美國加油!拜登總統加油!