國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 。2013年2月20日上午11:20 · 台北市 · 本片題材取自國立故宮博物院典藏的兩幅船圖:〈集字號大同安梭船圖〉和〈一號同安梭船圖〉,這是極為罕見的清代彩繪戰船圖。為了解答這兩幅船圖的來由,及其所代表的意義,國立故宮博物院的專案小組,深入爬梳史料,以場景重現的方式,解析李長庚、蔡牽兩個同安人和同安船的歷史糾結。
The “Tongan ship ‘Ji’ Diagram” and the “Tongan ship ‘No. 1’ Diagram” of… 更多 the Palace Museum are the most important drawing records regarding the Tongan ships. Their subjects are the heaviest and most powerful fighting ships of the Tongan ship family. These two diagrams are not only just highly detailed. They are accompanied with corresponding official memorials. They are not just naval history artifacts. They represent a field previously unexplored by Taiwan’s historians and naval history historians.