#蔡總統錯誤時機白白開放美國瘦肉精豬肉進口 美國華爾街日報最新專訪美國貿易代表賴海澤(Robert Lighthizer),談被問到為何不與台灣展開經貿談判?他表示其任內時間不足走完全部法律與程序過程,所以未與台灣啟動貿易談判。他也表示,目前台灣與美國的貿易關係充滿問題。台灣與美國有龐大的貿易逆差,台灣顯然有貿易爭端,且目前尚未解決。… 更多 賴海澤的說法等於間接證實,蔡英文總統在錯誤的時機開放美國瘦肉精豬肉進口!美國貿易代表署根本在事前並不知情,更不認為這屆政府會有足夠時間來處理台美貿易談判。因此台灣這次根本就是「白白開放」!未來拜登政府願不願意買單?會不會和台灣展開貿易談判?這些問題都在未定之天!但台灣十多年來的貿易堅持,就在蔡總統的冒進開放中,未戰先降、自掀底牌、進退失據、一敗塗地⋯ 「There wasn’t enough time to go through the many legal hoops to get a trade agreement, he said. Besides, trade relations with Taiwan are fraught. “We have a large and growing trade deficit with Taiwan,” he said, which totaled $26.9 billion through November 2020. “We clearly have trade disputes with Taiwan [and] they haven’t been resolved.”」 https://www.wsj.com/articles/trade-chief-lighthizer-urges-biden-to-keep-tariffs-on-china-11610361001?mod=searchresults_pos2&page=1
Trade Chief Lighthizer Urges Biden to Keep Tariffs on China
U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer helped move protectionism from the fringes of American policy-making to the core. His advice to the Biden administration: stay the course.