那您一定不能錯過這場iCAP課程品質認證說明會! 課程自九月下旬開跑,詳情請密切留意iCAP網站:最新消息
https://icap.wda.gov.tw/index.php #iCAP課程
#職能應用… 更多
#勞動部 Do you want to learn more about competency-oriented traing? Or are you eager to boost up the training energy?
You should never miss the iCAP Quality Certification Orientation. The briefing will start in September.
Please visit the Integrated Competency and Application Platform (https://icap.wda.gov.tw/) for more information. #iCAP
#Competency-based Training Programs
#Competency application
#Integrated Competency and Application Platform