方才英國外交部發布英國、加拿大和美國針對新疆之聯合聲明 加、英外交部長及美國務卿針對中國在新疆侵犯人權一案發表聲明: 1. 我們對中國在新疆侵犯和殘害人權的行為深表關切。所有證據都讓人萬分激憤。
2. 我們今天將採取制裁行動,也會聯合歐盟協調共同制裁行動。我們要求中國停止對新疆維吾爾穆斯林和其他少數民族、宗教團體之鎮壓及釋放被無端拘留之人民。 3.… 更多 我們重申透明度和責任制之重要,呼籲中國允許國際社會,包括來自聯合國的獨立調查人員、記者和外國外交官,不受阻礙的進入新疆。 We, the Foreign Ministers of Canada and the United Kingdom, and the United States Secretary of State, are united in our deep and ongoing concern regarding China’s human rights violations and abuses in Xinjiang. The evidence, including from the Chinese Government’s own documents, satellite imagery, and eyewitness testimony is overwhelming. China’s extensive program of repression includes severe restrictions on religious freedoms, the use of forced labour, mass… 更多
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Human rights violations in Xinjiang: Canada, UK and US joint statement
The foreign ministers of Canada and the UK, and the US Secretary of State issued a statement about China’s human rights violations and abuses in Xinjiang.