國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2013年1月29日上午9:10 · 新展介紹:古籍與密檔-院藏圖書文獻珍品展(陳列室:103)
New Exhibit: Rare books and Secret Archives (Gallery: 103 )
日期(Dates):2013/01/28~ … 更多
The National Palace Museum is home to a rich collection of approximately 214,000 volumes of rare books and nearly 400,000 pieces of historical documents from the Qing archives. Large in number, these materials are of great cultural and historical value.
The exhibition Rare Books and Secret Archives offers the public an opportunity to examine these rare books and acquire a better understanding of how the book has evolved in China over the centuries, and to have a clearer idea of the Qing archival system and its relevance to government administration and even court history.