國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2013年1月29日上午1:19 · 河嶽海疆–院藏古輿圖特展-【廣東八排猺圖】(陳列室:104)
清 道光年間 紙本彩繪(縱42.5公分 橫41.5公分)
Current Exhibit: Mapping the Imperial Realm-【Map of the Minority Ethnic Group Bapaiyao in Guangdong Province】(Gallery:104) (Qing dynasty (1644-1911))… 更多
日期(Date):2012/09/29 ~ 2013/03/31
The jagged borders had to be defined and marked. The vastness of the imperial realm was hard to grasp conceptually. Maps came to help provide the needed information and definitions, especially in delineating the exterior borders as well as demarcating the interior administrative districts and ethnic groups.