現為國保被保險人或曾參加國保者,於年滿65歲時,不論國保年資有幾年,均得請領老年年金給付,並自符合條件(即年滿65歲)之當月起按月發給至死亡當月止。 🔹更多資訊:https://www.bli.gov.tw/0013696.html #國保 Old-Age Pension Benefits
People who are currently insured by the national pension… 更多 insurance program or who once participated in the program, no matter how many years they have participated in the program, can claim old-age pension benefits when they reach the age of 65. The pension will be granted from the month an insured person qualifies until the month he/she is dead. 🔹For more information:https://www.bli.gov.tw/en/0011314.html