第50屆全國技能競賽成績揭曉!!!!<br> 第50屆全國技能競賽在今天圓滿落幕<br> 其中大家最關心的成績已經公布在2020國家技能週活動網站(https://2020skillsweek.wda.gov.tw)~<br> 拍掌聲催落!!!恭喜前三名的選手們擁有準國手的資格,<br> 準備好在明年9月上海舉辦的國際技能競賽再次發光吧!!! #第50屆全國技能競賽(9月18日至9月20日)<br> #成績揭曉<br> #相關活動訊息請上網搜尋… 更多「2020國家技能週」<br> #投資青年就業方案 The 50th National Skills Competition held in 2020 National Skills Week was rounded off today. Competition results have been published on 2020 National Skills Week event website (https://2020skillsweek.wda.gov.tw). A big round of applause!!! Congratulations to the medal winners. They are now qualified for representing Taiwan to participate in WorldSkills Shanghai next September in 2021. They will get prepared and shine again! #50thNationalSkillsCompetition (September 18th-20th)<br> #CompetitionResultsAnnounced