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♦️國寶 2012年3月文化部核定公告 本幅描繪一群文士在池畔園苑中飲宴的情景。偌大的黑色方形漆案,設置在樹下,案上成組餐具與果食擺滿桌面。近處另有一群僮僕在小桌上備茶。人物均神情雅俊、眉清目秀,器用、園景描繪細緻講究,應為徽宗朝畫院的精工之作。 更多資訊:
… 更多https://theme.npm.edu.tw/selection/Article.aspx?sNo=04009144 Literary Gathering
Huizong(1082-1135), Song dynasty
♦️Verified and declared by the Ministry of Culture in March 2012 as a National Treasure This painting depicts a group of scholars in a garden by a pond enjoying a banquet. A large lacquered table has been placed under a tree with all kinds of tableware and food on it. In the foreground is a group of young attendants around a small table preparing tea. The figures are all spirited and elegant with clear expressions, while the objects and garden motifs are painstakingly rendered, indicating most likely a fine work of Huizong's Painting Academy. More information:
https://theme.npm.edu.tw/selection/Article.aspx?sNo=04009144&lang=2 #故宮典藏精選 #NPM_Selections