賀‼️ 故宮移動博物館 #出國比賽拿獎啦 🥳 移動教學工具包把故宮送進校園,送進偏鄉,開啟故宮教育的新旅程。
設計的課程為學生提供了一個有趣且動手的機會,以了解博物館的藏品。 Mobile Museum of National Palace Museum recently wins the iF DESIGN AWARD 2021.
Congratulations to NPM! “Mobile teaching… 更多 kits were designed so that the program is accessible even to remote rural schools. The lessons give students a fun and hands-on opportunity to get to know the museum’s collection.” (https://ifworlddesignguide.com/entry/310319-mobile-museum-of-national-palace-museum) 相關訊息:
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