為營造友善聘僱環境,勞動部自105年11月起推動移工期滿續聘措施,移工於聘僱期滿後無須出國就可以繼續留臺從事工作。雇主辦理期滿續聘應在移工聘僱許可期間屆滿前2至4個月內提出申請,如逾期申請,最晚可在聘僱許可期間屆滿前,向勞動部補行申請程序,又補行申請續聘同一移工僅限1次,但在嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎疫情期間,補行申請程序不以1次為限,有關申辦流程瞭解及相關申請書下載請上勞動力發展署官網為民服務下載專區詳閱。 🔸… 更多勞動力發展署官網:https://www.wda.gov.tw/ To create a better employing condition, in November, 2016 the Ministry of Labor took certain measures regarding employment renewal which enable the foreign workers to stay in Taiwan to work without flying abroad. The employer shall apply for the renewal from the Ministry of Labor 2-4 months before the expiration day of the employment permit. If the employer missed the deadline, one time of catch-up application for each foreign worker is available before the employment permit expires. Nevertheless, during the pandemic of covid-19, more than one time of catch-up application is acceptable. Please find the information on the official website of Workforce Development Agency (homepage – service - download).