北溝傳奇-故宮文物遷臺後早期歲月… 更多 臺中北溝時期係國立故宮博物院發展進程中一重要階段,具承先啟後意義。去(2020)年為院藏文物遷存北溝七十週年,本院特以「北溝傳奇」為題,舉辦展覽,呈現故宮發展進程中一段深刻歷史記憶。展覽計分「文物遷臺」、「典守維護」、「清查點驗」,以及「編輯出版」、「展覽傳播」、「臺北復院」六單元,以院藏相關歷史影像及檔案文獻為主要內容,輔以向遷臺前賢後人商借之舊照史料,藉資呈現故宮文物遷臺初期的歷史經緯,期以加深觀眾對本院之認識與瞭解。 The Beigou Legacy: The National Palace Museum's Early Years in Taiwan The Beigou period was an important transitional stage in the history of the Museum. Last year marks the 70th anniversary of the arrival of the two institutions’ treasured art objects in Beigou. The Museum has curated the exhibition to commemorate this historical event and highlight a significant period in its history. The exhibition consists of six sections: “Relocation of Important Artifacts to… 更多