【廉潔寶寶聯盟─誠信最棒篇】 臺北市政府政風處為實踐廉潔教育,自110年「廉潔寶寶聯盟─誠信最棒篇」動畫延伸內容,並由臺北市國民教育輔導團幼兒教育輔導小組提供教案情境,藉由生活化的劇情,幫助幼童理解公平公正、利益迴避、誠實信用等觀念。該教案教案置於該處官網/業務資訊/文宣專區/幼兒廉潔教育教材專區(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBBcBdyTFOs),歡迎大家踴躍觀看。 [The… 更多 Integrity League ─ Integrity First] For integrity education practice, the Department of Government Ethics of Taipei City Government has made an extended version of the anime “The Integrity League ─ Integrity First” based on the lesson plan provided by the early childhood education advisory team of the Taipei City Compulsory Education Advisory Group. Through the plot similar to our daily lives, the anime helps children understand the concepts of fairness, justice, conflicts of interest, honesty, and integrity. The lesson plan is available on the Department’s website / Information / Literature / Early Childhood Integrity Education Materials (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBBcBdyTFOs). Visit the site to watch the anime.