本署中區分署苗栗辦事處參加台灣電力公司通霄發電廠淨灘活動,攜手淨灘、向海致敬!… 更多 台灣電力公司通霄發電廠於110年10月29日舉辦110年度發電廠西南角海灘淨灘活動,苗栗辦事處受邀參加,為彰顯本署重視海岸環境,及宣傳本分署海岸廢棄物清理績效,爰由林主任率領各股同仁參與;是日除發電廠動員員工外,另有苗栗縣政府環保局、通霄鎮公所、通西里環保義工等共計300人共襄盛舉,希冀結合各界力量一起清潔海灘,貫徹向海致敬的決心,還給大家一個美麗的海岸風貌。 Miaoli Office participates in the beach clean-up event by Taiwan Power Company’s Tunghsiao Power Plant. Working together and showing respect to the ocean!
On October 29, 2021, Taiwan Power Company’s Tunghsiao Power Plant held the 2021 beach clean-up event at the southwest beach of the power plant. The Miaoli Office was invited to the event. To show the focus of the Administration on the coastal environment publicize the performance of the Branch in cleaning up coastal… 更多