國民法官制度 「國民法官法」2020年8月12日經總統公布,將在2023年上路。未來年滿23歲,完成義務教育的國民,都有可能被抽選為國民法官,與法官一起坐在法檯上,共同決定有罪、無罪,以及刑責多重,開創司法多元對話的新紀元。 The Citizen Judges system The “Citizen Judges Act” has been promulgated by the President on… 更多 August 12, 2020, which will come into effect in 2023. In the future, citizens over the age of 23 who have completed compulsory education might be randomly selected as citizen judges, who will be sitting alongside judges on the bench to find one guilty or not guilty and determine what punishment one receives. This marks a new era for judicial dialogue.