👩🏻Senior FASCA 線上遠距研習班 圓滿落幕! 🎊僑務委員會「109年Senior FASCA線上遠距研習班」於11月30日圓滿結束。結訓典禮由副委員長徐佳青主持🎊,致詞中除恭喜🎊大家完成課程,並期許🎊大家運用所學協助臺灣。 🎨此次研習邀請國內各領域學有專精之專家學者,針對「領導統御」、「臺灣防疫經驗」以及「認識臺灣(高科技與文化)」等三項主題,共進行6堂課程🎨… 更多。雖因新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情影響,培訓方式改採視訊方式舉辦,但是學員們仍反應熱烈,充滿熱情與求知慾望。在期末成果發表會中,更能發揮團隊精神🎨,充分展現學習成果,可謂收穫滿盈。 🎈2020 OCAC Distance Learning Program for Senior
FASCA has ended successfully!✔ OCAC Senior FASCA 😃Online Program has ended successfully on Nov.30. The closing ceremony was held by Deputy Minister CHIA-CHING HSU,and she congratulated all the members😀 on completing the program and expect them will use what they have learned to promote😀 Taiwan. 💎Experts in different fields were invited to the program to talk about three major topics regarding “Leadership💎”, “Taiwan Experience in Pandemic💎” and “Knowing Taiwan (high-tech & culture)💎” in 6 courses. The program was held online due to covid-19, but the members were still passionate and enthusiastic in learning. They performed excellent teamwork in the final presentation💎 and fully showed the learning outcome.