【創業大冒險】 #奇策智能雲端 洞悉加密貨幣發展趨勢
⭐… 更多2020年進駐新創基地,並於進駐期間獲SBIR新秀組20萬。
⭐2021年獲科技部嚴選100家優質新創公司,將代表台灣前進 #CES_2021 全世界最大的消費電子線上展。
【Startup Adventure】#Crypto-Arsenal
Since bitcoin has brought sensational change to financial market, Richard, the founder of Crypto-Arsenal, created an automated crypto-trading platform for quantitative strategy developers and traders.
Crypto-Arsenal provides highly-integrated tools, easy-understanding operation interface and live dashboard with crypto traders. It creates a win-win situation for both developers and traders through the innovative and fair revenue sharing model.
Lear more about Crypto-Arsenal: https://pse.is/3ald56
分享 經濟部中小企業處
【創業大冒險】 #奇策智能雲端 洞悉加密貨幣發展趨勢<br> 📌比特幣問世以來,帶給金融市場與投資者許多衝擊,卻也帶來許多機會,奇策智能雲端創辦人Richard,看好加密貨幣發展趨勢,創建一套量化交易程式開發和投資者專屬的自動化交易平台—Crypto-Arsenal。 📌Crypto-Arsenal雲端平台透過簡單易懂的介面,創新分潤機制,同時滿足策略開發者與加密貨幣交易者,兩大主要群族的雙贏局面。 #精采事蹟<br> ⭐… 更多2020年進駐新創基地,並於進駐期間獲SBIR新秀組20萬。<br> ⭐舉辦「加密貨幣量化交易小海龜培育計畫」,以灌溉和培育優秀的策略開發者為目標。<br> ⭐2021年獲科技部嚴選100家優質新創公司,將代表台灣前進 #CES_2021 全世界最大的消費電子線上展。 更多精彩故事:https://pse.is/3ald56 【Startup Adventure】#Crypto-Arsenal <br> Since bitcoin has brought sensational change to financial market, Richard, the founder of Crypto-Arsenal, created an automated crypto-trading platform for quantitative strategy developers and traders. Crypto-Arsenal provides highly-integrated tools, easy-understanding operation interface and live dashboard with crypto traders. It creates a win-win situation for both developers and traders through the innovative and fair revenue sharing model. Lear more about Crypto-Arsenal: https://pse.is/3ald56