響應國有非公用文化資產認養機制,祠廟苗栗文昌祠率先認養! 苗栗文昌祠為苗栗縣治初期行政、文教中心,亦為當地莘莘學子祈求金榜題名之信仰中心。國有財產署中區分署為文化資產活化再利用,與祠廟文昌祠管理委員會簽訂認養契約,為保存地方人文色彩盡一份心力,未來將持續媒合相關團體及熱心人士,以期結合各界資源俾利維護文化資產原有風貌! In response to the adoption mechanism of national… 更多 non-public use cultural asset, Miaoli Wenchang Temple takes the lead! Miaoli Wenchang Temple was the administrative and culture and education center in the early stage of governance in Miaoli County. It is also the belief center for numerous students in the county to pray for good results on exams. To reuse and revitalize cultural assets, Central Region Branch, National Property Administration has signed an adoption contract with the management committee of Wenchang Temple, aiming to do their parts in preserving the characteristics of local culture. In the future, we will continue to promote cooperation between relevant groups and enthusiasts to bring together resources of various industries, so as to maintain the original style and features of cultural assets!