北港稽徵所於110年9月4日上午假雲林縣四湖鄉三條崙海水浴場辦理「海洋之音,17拒私菸」暨防制菸品稅捐逃漏宣導活動,並邀請中區分署雲林辦事處等鄰近公務機關設攤共襄盛舉。… 更多
雲林辦事處現場提供國產業務文宣品約100份分送參與民眾,同時宣傳行政院性別平等(CEDAW)及本署4大超商繳納租金、使用補償金等多元繳納費用管道。透過本次活動,增進民眾對國產業務的了解及雲林辦事處與鄰近機關公務情誼,活動圓滿完成。 The Yunlin Office was invited to attend the “Voice of the Ocean, Say No to Illegal Tobacco Together” campaign promoting the prevention of tax evasion of tobacco products organized by the Beigang Office of the National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area, Ministry of Finance on September 4, 2021
On the morning of September 4, 2021, the Beigang Office organized the “Voice of the Ocean, Say No to Illegal Tobacco Together” campaign… 更多