分享 紐西蘭商工辦事處 New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Taipei
APEC每年會舉辦攝影比賽~ 歡迎有興趣參加攝影比賽的朋友踴躍報名。2021年由紐西蘭擔任主辦會員,主題為「攜手協作,共同成長」Join, Work, Grow, Together (毛利語:Haumi ē, Hui ē, Tāiki ē),並設定三大優先領域包括:「強化復甦的經濟與貿易政策」,「增進復甦的包容性及永續性」以及「追求創新及數位賦能的復甦」。更多有關於參賽的資訊請看: … 更多https://www.apec.org/Press/Photo-Contest/photocontest2021 APEC’s theme this year is to call on economies to Join, Work, Grow. Together. This year, we seek creative visualisation of the theme through the APEC Photo Contest 2021 by professionals and amateur photo enthusiasts alike. We encourage you to share your vision through your snaps that capture the theme and priorities, and send them to APEC! You may choose to interpret any one of the following APEC 2021 theme and priorities:<br> * Road to strengthening economic recovery<br> * Inclusive and sustainable recovery<br> * Innovation and a digitally enabled recovery For more details about how to enter the competition, please see: https://www.apec.org/Press/Photo-Contest/photocontest2021