《故宮學術季刊》第三十八卷第二期 出刊!
•邱寧斌 晚唐五代時期瓷器八棱瓶及其相關問題
•盧慧紋 元初北方士大夫的書畫活動與鑒藏:以王惲(1227-1304)《秋澗先生大全集》為中心的幾點考察
•陳建志 缺十七行本〈十七帖〉的再認識──從國立故宮博物院藏五種〈十七帖〉談起… 更多
•蔡承豪 清代臺灣府署「鴻指園」之研究
•魏可欣 召喚歲時記憶:溥儒鍾馗圖像研究
✴️Volume 38, Number2
•Qiu, Ning-bin
The Porcelain Octagonal Vase and Related Issues in the Late Tang and Five Dynasties Period
•Lu, Hui-wen
The Activities and Connoisseurship of Painting and Calligraphy Among Northern Literati in the Early Yuan: A Survey of Several Points Focusing on Wang Yun’s (1227-1304) Complete Collected Works of Qiujian
•Chen, Jian-zhi
Revisiting the Shiqi Modelbook Missing Seventeen Lines: A Discussion Based on Five Versions… 更多