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《故宮學術季刊》第三十八卷第一期 出刊!
•方令光 〈顏勤禮碑〉、〈顏家廟碑〉真偽考
•陳慧霞 宋元剔犀漆器研究的再省思
•陳韻如 湯垕《畫鑒》與元中期畫史知識的重塑
•余玉琦 警發迷情:晚明畫家鄭重及渡水羅漢畫卷研究
•林桂如 中國講史小說與大坂所刊通俗軍談
✳️Volume… 更多 38, Number 1
•Fang, Ling-guang
A Study on the Authenticity of the Yan Qinli Stele and Yan Family Temple Stele
•Chen, Hui-hsia
Reflections on the Study of Tixi Carved Polychrome Lacquerware in the Song and Yuan Dynasties
•Chen, Yun-ru
Tang Hou’s Mirror of Painting and Reshaping Knowledge on Painting History in the Middle Yuan Dynasty
•Yu, Yu-chi
Inspiring and Enlightening: A Study of the Late Ming Artist Zheng Zhong and Handscroll Paintings of Lohans Crossing Water
•Lin, Kuei-ju
Chinese Historical Novels and Popular Military Talks Published in Osaka
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