明天起就是農曆春節假期了,祝各位新春愉快🐮牛牛行大運🐮 勞動部為守護每位在臺打拼的勞工朋友,1955專線春節期間照常服務! ✴雇主、勞工、移工朋友們如有勞動權益相關問題、通譯需求或防疫問題等,可以洽詢1955專線,讓您放心度過年節假期。 📞 1955勞工諮詢申訴專線📞
多國語言(印尼語、越南語、泰語、英語及國語)… 更多 It is Chinese Luner New Year holiday starting tomorrow. Wish you all a happy new year. The Ministry of Labor, in order to protect all hardworking migrant friends in Taiwan, 1955 Hotline will continue its services as usual during the Spring Festival! For employers, migrant workers who has any labor rights related issues, translation services or epidemic prevention issues, etc. You can call 1955 Hotline for inquiries and be rest assured during the Lunar New Year Holidays! 1955 migrant worker consultation hotline
Free of Charge
Available 24 hours all year round
Multiple languages Service (Indonesian,Vietnamese,Thai, English and Chinese)